
Straight talk about major, mid-level and legacy gift fundraising to help you be a better fundraiser

Why some planned giving departments are missing out on bequests.

A friend of mine went to a really large public university.  He heard about our SmartGiftmaker and told me I should call someone at his… Read More

Some neat research for planned giving marketing.

The National Committee on Planned Giving* found: that most donors first make a will at age 44 the average age of their first charitable bequest… Read More

Seven things to consider adding to your website to help generate leads

Your website should be your most effective marketing tool for lead generation and education. The days of “online brochures” are gone. At the very least,… Read More

For planned giving marketing- absence of children tops the list

For planned giving marketing, determining who to target is always a tricky task.  There’s lots of literature out there on this subject.  But I found… Read More

Who answers your telephones?

Is the person who answers your phones also your least trained employee? If so, why? Do they answer the phones with class or “attitude”?  And… Read More

Go ahead… Cold call!

Recently someone told me at a networking function that cold-calling was “old-school” and didn’t work. Of course this person admitted he never made a cold… Read More

How to determine which networking events to go to for lead generation.

There are hundreds of networking opportunities in every major city in America – from chambers of commerce to simple clubs and groups. All you need… Read More

Is your business card optimized for marketing performance?

Okay I know business cards have been around for at least a hundred years.  But let’s not forget that they are still one of the… Read More

Why people won't call their leads- a post about sales call reluctance.

Just last week I had two discussions with two different clients that blew me away.  We were talking about the leads my firm generated for… Read More

For planned giving marketing…. the difference between suspects, prospects and qualified leads.

Sometimes we need to step back and evaluate our planned giving database objectively.  Here are three categories you might consider for your planned giving marketing… Read More

What is a QR code and how can you use one for marketing?

A QR code is a “quick response” code.  They are easy to create (there are dozens of free tools available online).  And they simply drive… Read More

A refresher on setting goals.

It’s 2011.  Have you set your goals yet? Someone once told me, “if you don’t know where you are going, you’ll probably end up going… Read More

How to leave a voicemail while cold-calling or making follow-up calls.

As most of you know, I still believe in cold-calling. That’s because it still works! Sure I’ve had people tell me it’s old-school. But I don’t… Read More

Interruption marketing is NOT dead.

Evangelists are popping up everywhere screaming that “interruption marketing” is dead. Folks like David Meerman Scott (author of The New Rules of Marketing and PR),… Read More

The White Pages telephone books are dead.

Well…  almost dead.  Let’s say they are dying.  And the Yellow Pages will be right behind them. Verizon has stopped distributing the White Pages in… Read More

Ever wonder what the heck your salespeople are doing all day long?

First off, this is not a rant about insecurity or paranoia.  Rather, I’m sad to say that many sales people will take advantage of you… Read More

3 simple ways to get prospects to CALL YOU.

These days there’s a lot of talk about how you should use your website as a marketing machine.  …A lot of talk about search engine… Read More

Direct mail drives online interactions?

According to research from Pitney Bowes, “60 percent of respondents believe that offline marketing is most likely to get them to visit the website of… Read More

How's your data?

Recently I attended a networking luncheon where I spoke to a bunch of smart entrepreneurs and asked, “how’s your data?”  Is anyone using a CRM… Read More

Ebay mails one million postcards in multi-channel marketing effort.

Who says print is dead? I used to.  A lot. But I’m seeing more and more that print has morphed into a “complementary” part of… Read More

So how effective is inbound internet lead generation?… Really!

I love Marketing Sherpa.  They have great charts and free information. Of course, they’re trying to sell you their three-hundred dollar benchmark reports.  But I… Read More

Why "hope" is not a strategy.

People have been throwing the word “hope” around a lot lately.  Two years ago President Obama’s entire campaign focused on that very word.  And although… Read More

How pay-per-click marketing is perceived at budget time.

Pretty darn well. According to Marketing Sherpa ( “the majority of organizations say PPC is an effective tool for producing ROI, with 77% of organizations… Read More

Things to consider for smart marketing… instead of "wingin' it".

Strategy is everything. Am I going overboard?  Maybe.  But from where I sit, I see companies- large and small- spend tons of time and money… Read More

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