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Who says print is dead?
I used to. A lot.
But I’m seeing more and more that print has morphed into a “complementary” part of many multi-channel marketing efforts.
For instance, Ebay launched a new marketing initiative to promote its upgraded buyer protection program. They’re hoping to retain and win back customers. And they are hoping their new buyer protection policies will convince millions of people that ebay is a safe place to shop.
They sent out one million postcards (to the most frequent buyers AND some who haven’t shopped with eBay recently) and twenty-seven million emails to past buyers.
You can listen to a sound byte from Lynda Talgo, Senior Director of eBay Buyer Protection, here.
Multi-channel marketing:
We’ve been a big fan of tying email, direct mail, and the web together. When done right, the results can be fantastic.
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