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engagement fundraising

Search Results for: engagement fundraising

How to understand your donor’s consideration process so you generate more major gifts

First things first. Too often fundraisers, board members, and nonprofit leaders spend way too much time thinking and talking about their organization’s or their employee’s… Read More

Here’s what I learned about leadership in 2019. I hope it helps you!

In the age of Fundraising Climate Change, leadership at nonprofits is needed more than ever. However, what I learned last year is that leadership is… Read More

Donor Surveys: The Ultimate How-to Guide for Nonprofits

Welcome! You’re about to learn A LOT about donor surveys. At MarketSmart, we’ve spent the past 10 years conducting donor surveys for our hundreds of clients…. Read More

Marketing for IRA Rollovers: A Strategic Guide for Nonprofits

Welcome! If you’d like to learn about marketing for IRA rollovers, you’ve come to the right place. Whether you’re a Director of Development at a… Read More

Why You Need Tech-Enabled Donor Discovery

For decades, fundraisers have sought a ‘magic box’ to identify the most ideal donor prospects for outreach, relationship-building, and solicitation. Of course they do. Who… Read More

Why fundraisers should take some lessons from stockbrokers

I stumbled on an article written for stockbrokers (financial advisors) that I found interesting because it recounted the top three reasons why clients leave: Poor… Read More

Today I think I’ll take a victory lap. Will you join me?

I get things wrong all the time. Back in 1993 when I quit my first ‘real’ job in the newspaper business I predicted printed newspapers… Read More

Automated Cultivation vs. “Moves Management”

I’ve never really felt comfortable with the phrase “moves management.” If you’re unfamiliar with the term, it refers to a process Gift Officers or other… Read More

Now you can hear me on the ‘Freakshow’!

My pal Brady Josephson (self-proclaimed charity nerd) had me on his relatively new podcast titled: The Generosity Freakshow. I encourage you to take a listen…. Read More

Are you avoiding your donors?

Too often I’ve seen some ‘fundraisers’ do whatever they can to avoid actually talking to donors. “I can’t call ’em yet. I’m waiting for the… Read More

How to Ask for Major Gifts…with the Donor’s Permission

In this presentation, the Founder & President of, Diane Remin, will cover everything you need to know about how to ask for major gifts… Read More

Here’s a job description for a major gift or legacy gift lead outreach associate

Last summer I wrote a very thorough post titled: How To Structure and Staff Your Planned Giving Department for the 21st Century. Ever since I’ve… Read More

3 big reasons why email open rates don’t matter (and what you should measure instead)

First, a short story Recently I participated in a roundtable discussion led by a salesperson for one of those cookie-cutter planned giving website companies. She was… Read More


Who truly has the silver bullet you need?

Charlatans? Have you ever wondered if the speaker at the conference scolding you for not “asking” enough has ever asked at all? Have you ever… Read More

If asking for donations makes you uncomfortable, read this now!

Recently I was asked the following: “The whole idea of the ‘ask’ is very uncomfortable to me. How can I become more comfortable with it?”… Read More

Some people find me abrasive. Here's why.

Recently I was told, “Greg, you are one strong cup of coffee.” I like that. Here’s why I am the way I am: 1. I… Read More

There's power in exclusivity but are you using it?

Unlike populist fundraisers (who treat everyone the same), engagement fundraisers aim to find and build relationships with “first class passengers”— people who are willing to “pay”… Read More

Finally, we’re releasing the HIPPO killer!!!

The HIPPO is the highest paid person in the office at the time when a decision needs to be made. HIPPOs tend to be far… Read More

How to Ask for Major Gifts…with the Donor’s Permission

In this presentation, the Founder & President of, Diane Remin, will cover everything you need to know about how to ask for major gifts so they can become a larger percentage of your organization’s annual donations. Discover how rewarding donor visits can be! Or simply attend to confirm whether or not you’re asking for gifts the right way. This presentation is designed for anyone who would like to be more comfortable asking a donor for a gift.

3 major donor myths broken by Andrew Olsen

Andrew Olsen knows a thing or two about direct marketing. On his blog, he debunks 3 major donor myths that pertain to marketing. You can… Read More

How MarketSmart Works With Partners

People often ask me, “How does MarketSmart work with partners (allies) to help nonprofits lower costs and increase revenues?” It’s a good question. Many people… Read More

How many LinkedIn contacts do you have?

I’m always surprised when I click on a major gift or planned gift fundraiser’s LinkedIn profile and see that they only have 30, 50 or… Read More


Do you ever find yourself scavenging the internet for simple nuggets of information to get your point across?  Whether you need a checklist, chart, proof… Read More

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