Engagement Fundraising: Free Digital Download


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Engagement Fundraising free download.

Because you appreciate your donors, we appreciate you. That’s why we are giving you a chance to get the Engagement Fundraising book for free.

Fill out the form to the right to get free access to Engagement Fundraising as a digital download and/or audiobook.

About the book!

Feeling like your job is getting harder?

Struggling against shifting donor expectations and greater competition for the charitable dollar?

Finding that the old orthodoxies and conventions espoused by so-called experts don’t work anymore?

Tired of hearing the same dying ideas in online echo-chambers and at conferences?

If you want to improve your fundraising shop’s performance by helping more people make meaningful impact by facilitating their acts of philanthropy…

And if you’re looking for a way to finally get past the many obstacles that keep getting in your way…

Then this book is for you.

Engagement Fundraising was developed from the perspective of a donor who discovered firsthand that the impersonal, spray-and-pray approaches of his beloved charity were not only offensive but also wasteful and ineffective. So he took action. And now, you can too, by getting the book for FREE.

Greg Warner

About the Author:

In 2007, Greg received a newsletter from one of his beloved charities, which seemingly sought to generate leads for its planned giving department. He decided to call them to see if their impersonal mass-marketing approach was working well. It was not.

So, Greg decided to improve the effectiveness of the charity’s major gift lead generation, qualification and cultivation efforts with a fresh strategy. After implementing Greg’s plan, the organization generated more highly qualified leads—and generated more gifts—than it had previously uncovered in any single marketing campaign, ever.

After that initial success, Greg recognized that the greatest transfer of wealth in U.S. history was imminent and decided to act. He realized that by combining his understanding of high technology with savvy marketing strategies and superior sales skills, he could help non-profit organizations increase the pace and scale of their major gift (including planned gift) fundraising efforts.

Today, MarketSmart is a major gift marketing software and services firm that helps nonprofits raise more money more efficiently. The firm’s cornerstone engagement fundraising platform uses cutting-edge tracking technologies to help fundraisers qualify and prioritize donors for outreach that are most likely to deliver large, major or legacy gifts.

Access the downloads!

Get the .mobi (for Kindle), .epub, (works on most technologies), .PDF, and/or audiobook.

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