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We become an extension of your fundraising team. With our 24/7 automation, we continuously engage and cultivate your supporters, enabling them to qualify and prioritize themselves for outreach or even schedule a meeting with you directly.
Our turnkey, done-for-you engagement system helps your supporters lean into the fundraising process by sharing:
Our system goes to work on your behalf to engage and inform those who self-qualify with compelling content over time. This helps your supporters move themselves forward at their own pace.
We marry the information your supporters supplied (verbatims) with their online engagements (digital body language) to help you see who’s ready for outreach, who arranged a meeting with you on their own, and who should continue receiving cultivation.
This isn’t software as a service. It’s a software enabled service. That means we do it all for you and we stick with you every step of the way so you can spend more time building relationships with the people who want to relate, while we do the rest.
We’re with you every step of the way. With our approach, we do the marketing so you can benefit from the results: Highly qualified leads based on your supporters’ feedback and engagement — not speculative wealth screening based on data your supporters never granted you permission to see.
“Thanks to MarketSmart’s groundbreaking program, we’re seeing endless opportunities to serve donors’ wishes for engagement.”
Baltimore Symphony Orchestra
“Your group is doing a lot to revolutionize the way we and many other non-profits operate, and for that, we are immensely grateful.”
Hillsdale College
“I closed a new $500,000 planned gift intention today from a donor who surfaced as a result of our work with MarketSmart.”
A New Leaf
By the way, we’ve never had to give anyone their money back because our system always works.