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words that work

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Words That Work

What if you knew exactly which words would inspire your donors to carry out more planned giving?

Words that Work 2: The Phrases that Encourage Planned Giving

Find out exactly which words will inspire your donors to make planned gifts Dr. Russell James is back with new research findings! Discover what’s working… Read More

Words that Work 2: The Phrases that Encourage Planned Giving

Dr. Russell James is back with new research findings! Find out exactly which words will inspire your donors to carry out more planned giving. Discover what’s working today and what’s coming tomorrow with new results from the lab!

recorded webinar: words that work 2

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Words that Work 2: The Phrases that Encourage Planned Giving

What if you knew exactly which words will inspire your donors to give? Dr. Russell James J.D., Ph.D., CFP® is back with new research findings guaranteed to enlighten and amaze! Discover what’s working today and what’s coming tomorrow.

Words That Work – Thank you for downloading our eBook

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Words That Work

What if you could lower your fundraising costs while exponentially increasing fundraising revenues? Now you can! With Engagement Fundraising. Download our free eBook written by MarketSmart’s President, Founder and CEO, Greg Warner and learn.

Recorded Webinar: Words That Work, The Phrases That Encourage Planned Giving

Thank you for your interest in our Words That Work:The Phrases That Encourage Planned Giving webinar. Below is the full webinar recording.  

Words That Work: Phrases that Encourage Planned Giving

What if you knew exactly which words will inspire your donors to give? Now you can find out – with our free on-demand webinar featuring Dr. Russell James J.D., Ph.D., CFP®.

Why Simple Words Work When Telling a Fundraising Story

Use your words Story starts with words. Word choice matters. It matters for fundraising story. For example, Simple, conversational, family words work. They match the… Read More

Finally, you can learn what words work to raise money!

Last year I worked with Dr. Russell James to present his findings on what words work to raise money (Check out the ground-breaking webinar titled… Read More

Planned Giving Language – Words to Use and Avoid in Your Legacy Fundraising

There are two languages in fundraising – donorese, and organizationish. And, as often happens when people speak two different languages, miscommunication happens, and it obstructs… Read More

Why you should never get a job and go to work

I taught my kids to avoid using the words job, work and can’t. To me a job is what some people get so they can work to get money; and if they fail to find one, they might say it’s… Read More

Cold calling major donors to arrange appointments doesn’t work – but this method does

No one likes getting cold calls and you probably don’t like making them. That’s why, these days, you need to insert a crucial step in between your marketing/communications and… Read More

How to Generate More Planned Gifts with Less Money and Reduced Resources: An Introduction to Engagement Fundraising Principles and Tactics That Really Work

Wondering how you can do more with less while still capturing your share of the massive transfer of wealth everyone keeps talking about? Don’t worry…. Read More

See what happens when donors and board members switch a few words

One day a long time ago I was in a board meeting talking about raising money and a member said the following: “The only time… Read More

Can changing your words help you raise more money?

Here are some of the most powerful words used frequently in advertising: finally suddenly now FREE SALE NEW announcing introducing improved amazing sensational remarkable fantastic… Read More

How to Generate More Planned Gifts with Less Money and Reduced Resources: An Introduction to Engagement Fundraising Principles and Tactics That Really Work

Wondering how you can do more with less while still capturing your share of the massive transfer of wealth everyone keeps talking about? Join us for our free upcoming webinar featuring MarketSmart CEO, Greg Warner

What Words to Use Instead of the Infamous “B-word” (Bequest)

Last week one of my blog posts told you make sure to stay away from the word “bequest” in your communications with donors. But I… Read More

3 Big Reasons Why Charities Should Work to Get Gifts in Wills from Middle-Aged Donors

1. It can turn them into more committed and more charitable donors.  “Among those supporters who didn’t have a charitable plan and then added one,… Read More

How to determine which networking events to go to for lead generation.

There are hundreds of networking opportunities in every major city in America – from chambers of commerce to simple clubs and groups. All you need… Read More

Top 2 cringeworthy things some fundraisers say to major donor prospects (and what they might want to say instead)

1. “I’d like to meet you to update you / tell you what we do / tell you what we’ve been doing, etc.” I’ve had… Read More

Why you should use nostalgia to promote more giving

I recently stumbled upon a neat paper titled Nostalgia: The Gift That Keeps Giving. Here’s a summary: Overview 1. Nostalgia is a very personal, social emotion that… Read More

Top 10 Free Resources Thanks To Dr. Russell James

Nearly ten years ago I made a new friend. It started out with an error. I wrote a blog post about the link between childlessness… Read More

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