“I’ve never told anyone this before.”

2 years ago

If you're working in major gifts and you've never heard this, you might need to alter your approach. Many of…

6 Ways to Reframe or Lower the Costs of Giving a Major Gift

2 years ago

Like any other donors, wealthy donors want to give. But when wealthy donors give, it’s usually a major gift, meaning…

How blockbuster movies can help you make the perfect fundraising ask

2 years ago

Universal challenge Let’s go to the movies! And when we go, what will we see? If it’s a blockbuster, we’ll…

How to Find A Good Advancement Leader: Ask the Right Questions

2 years ago

You’ve had a least one bad boss or worked in at least one depleting advancement operation. Now you’re interviewing for…

Why Tax Deductions for Major Gifts Matter to Wealthy Donors

2 years ago

A basic marketing precept is to “know your audience.” As a major gifts officer or fundraiser, your audience is wealthy…

How Fundraisers Can Reconcile the Competition that Exists Between Your Donors’ & Administrators’ Hero Stories

2 years ago

Story conflict Advance the donor’s hero story. In major gifts fundraising, this works. It works for the donor. The donor…

How “Polite Persistence” Pays Off for Major Gifts Fundraisers

2 years ago

It took me 16 contacts over a 12-month period to get a visit scheduled with one couple. They then went…

The Greatest Worry of Newly Wealthy Families – and How Major Gift Officers Can Help

2 years ago

Newly Wealthy Donors Aren’t Anything Like Donors Who Come from Families with Generational Wealth They have different world views, different…

Why fundraisers feel stuck in the middle between Administrators and Donors

2 years ago

Hero story In the universal hero story, a guiding sage helps the hero. The sage Challenges the hero to begin…

The Faces of Philanthropy: Are They Changing?

2 years ago

The list below was an attempt by Forbes Magazine to capture the “faces of philanthropy” way back in 1994. It’s…

Top 10 Ways You Can Benefit from Conducting a Donor Survey

2 years ago

First, it's important to recognize that there are two reasons to conduct a donor survey: To conduct research To raise money…

To Visit or Not to Visit: Choose Wisely

2 years ago

It doesn't really matter if you go on a visit TODAY. It also doesn't really matter if you DON'T go…

How I leave voicemail messages that get returned

2 years ago

Generally here's how I leave messages that get returned: APPRECIATION: I say 'thank you' (and I get sort of 'emotional…

How to be an authentic guiding sage for your donors

2 years ago

The guiding sage The hero’s journey is a universal story. In that universal story, the guiding sage plays a powerful…

The Seven Principles of Advancement Leadership

2 years ago

I recently had the pleasure of orienting a new chief advancement officer who is coming to the position from another…

Too much major and legacy gift fundraising is focused on HOW, when it should be focused on WHY

2 years ago

What the heck am I talking about? Major gift fundraising communications (especially legacy gift marketing) tend to focus too much…

How major gifts fundraisers should introduce themselves to donors

2 years ago

The universal hero story is attractive. This “monomyth” is “hard-wired into our psyches.”[1] In the donor’s hero story, the donor’s…

Tips for hiring major gift fundraisers

2 years ago

“Let’s hire Johnny… He knows everybody!” Here’s the problem: Johnny is an idiot. Let me explain. So many times, organizations…

Why you need to know the difference between your donor’s implicit vs. explicit needs

2 years ago

Too often fundraisers make assumptions about what donors want. Usually, this is driven by top leaders or board members. They…

What Advancement Must Become: Builders of Communities of Shared Interest

2 years ago

You don’t have to poke too far into most nonprofits' fundraising results to see significant donor erosion, usually masked by…

It’s NOT a dirty job but someone DOES have to do it.

2 years ago

Recently a friend of mine was promoted.  Now she is in a leader position at her organization's headquarters.  Yippee! I…

Why fundraisers who position themselves as a counselor and guiding sage for donors raise more money

2 years ago

Things look bleak. Fundraisers don’t stay. They don’t stay at the nonprofit. They don’t stay in the industry. They are…

What happens when you change your mindset

2 years ago

“I don’t want to waste your time.” Here is another common objection you will hear when trying to schedule visits.…

Are fundraising tricks and gimmicks worth doing?

2 years ago

An old book filled with timeless lessons. I was cleaning out a cabinet last weekend and I came across an…