It Takes Two to Drive Success: How Rethinking Nonprofit Leadership Can Solve Your Gift Officer Turnover Problem

11 months ago

As turnover in the nonprofit sector continues to plague so many organizations, and not just with major gift officers, it’s…

Revolutionizing Fundraising by Building a Philanthropic Supply Chain

11 months ago

Donors are looking for a better philanthropic value proposition.  They want to know how their dollars will be turned into differences.…

7 Ways Bad Leadership in Fundraising Drives Away Your Best Gift Officers

11 months ago

“It doesn't make sense to hire smart people and then tell them what to do. We hire smart people so…

Dr. James explains the power of giving: why leading with a gift always wins

11 months ago

Lead with a gift: The primal-giving game Biologists model sustainable giving in nature with a game.[1] This primal-giving game models…

The Power of Follow Up: The One Question Every Major Gift Fundraiser Should Ask

11 months ago

I didn't know I should be asking this one question when talking to donors: "When would be a good time…

FREE Webinar: How You Can Land More Meetings

12 months ago

HOW YOU CAN LAND MORE MEETINGS with Major and Legacy Donor Prospects Who Are Ready for Your Outreach   Webinar…

10 Reasons Why Major Gift Officers Quit to Look for New Jobs

12 months ago

Why do gift officers quit their jobs so frequently? Gift officer turnover is holding so many nonprofit organizations back. And…

Why Standard Fundraising Practices Are Hurting Your Philanthropic Partnerships

12 months ago

So much of standard fundraising practice is inconsistent with philanthropic partnership building. Would you enter into, feel comfortable with, or…

Why reciprocity must be an essential tool in your fundraising toolbox

12 months ago

Every single human being in every single society on earth subscribes to an unspoken rule when it comes to reciprocation…

How transactional donor relationships kill generosity

12 months ago

In nature, giving to unrelated others can be sustainable. But it requires some form of reciprocity. This need not be…

How to Respond Effectively to This Common Objection and Secure More Major Gifts

12 months ago

Have you heard this objection before? "I've been giving for 20 years. There's nothing you can tell me I don't…

If you don’t like wealthy people, it’s time to think about a career change

12 months ago

Nobody gives when they feel the professionals working for an organization or institution dislike them. I’m writing this today because…

Dr. James explains why sustainable giving starts by answering, “Do we have a shared future?”

12 months ago

It starts with a question In nature, sustainable giving to unrelated others does occur. But it happens only with reciprocal…

Effective Fundraising Strategy is Rooted In Fundraising Fact

1 year ago

Everyone Is entitled to their own fundraising opinions but not their own fundraising facts. That's what the brilliant Daniel Patrick…

FREE Webinar: All About Fundraising Automation

1 year ago

ALL ABOUT FUNDRAISING AUTOMATION How to Leverage Technology to Automate Tedious Tasks—So You Can Spend More Time Raising Major Gifts…

How fundraisers can help their cause resonate with donors

1 year ago

Story works In fundraising, story is powerful. Story works better than formal descriptions. Story works better than facts and figures.…

9 Secrets for Success in Major Gifts Fundraising

1 year ago

Here are Nine Things I Wish I Knew My First Year in Major Gifts 1. Stop talking so much. Ask…

6 Reasons Pausing the Solicitation Process Can Increase the Amount of a Major Gift

1 year ago

Patience is powerful. When pursuing major gifts, it’s tempting to want to go fast, and to accept the first gift…

Why Wealth Screening Data Fails to Identify Your Most Generous Donors

1 year ago

Wealth screening data gets a lot of attention and usage from nonprofits looking for a quick way to identify people…

How to build deeper connections with your donors using surveys

1 year ago

Socratic fundraising asks questions. It’s easy to think of this as face-to-face, one-on-one conversations. But sometimes that isn’t feasible. The…

Fundraising Success: The Road Less Valued

1 year ago

I began noticing the disparities early in my fundraising career. Much of the fundraising advice shared at professional conferences did…

The Ultimate Source for Fundraising Questions – From Permission to Confirmation

1 year ago

Questions are the most powerful tool in a fundraiser’s toolbox. More than anything else, asking good fundraising questions will build…

Why tracking fundraising calls is your key to success

1 year ago

NO ONE WILL SAY YES TO A VISIT... I'VE TRIED EVERYTHING! Really? Frequently I'll talk to someone who is just…

Planned Giving Language – Words to Use and Avoid in Your Legacy Fundraising

1 year ago

There are two languages in fundraising – donorese, and organizationish. And, as often happens when people speak two different languages,…