Seven neat planned giving marketing quotes

“Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.”
– Martin Luther
“A man has made at least a start on discovering the meaning of
human life when he plants shade trees under which he knows
full well he will never sit.”
– D. Elton Trueblood


“Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting.”
– Princess Elizabeth

“When I chased after money, I never had enough. When I got my life on purpose and focused on giving of myself and everything that arrived into my life, then I was prosperous.”
– Wayne Dyer
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”

Dr. Seuss, from The Lorax.

“In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.”
Holy Bible, Book of Acts [20:35]
“I resolved to stop accumulating and begin the infinitely more serious task of wise distribution.”
Andrew Carnegie

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