Fundraising vs. Selling: How to overcome the misconceptions

fundraising vs. sellingToo many people give selling a bad rap.
Selling is NOT about pushing people around and convincing them to do something they don’t want to do. Only foolish, poor performing “sales people” (and “fundraisers”) do that. Pushing never works. Pushing is NOT selling. Selling is selling! And, selling is just the opposite of what most believe.

Selling involves building rapport, uncovering needs, and aligning those needs with available options so both parties end up with a win-win.
Isn’t that what you do?

But don’t take my word for it (even though I’ve been “selling” and raising money a long, long time). Instead, read this book (Daniel Pink’s book To Sell Is Human). It is terrific, very well researched and backed by science.

Daniel Pink’s bottom line? All of us are in sales now.

So, if your job involves inspiring people to separate themselves from their money so it supports your mission, you must read or listen to this book.

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>> The Difference Between Fundraising and Selling

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>> The Fundraising Authority: The 5 Most Important Words and Phrases for Your Donors to Hear

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Margie McCurry
8 years ago

Greg,,,, wasn’t it you who said, a year or so ago, “Face it, Fundraisers…. You’re in Sales!”
loved it, and agree…thanks… have a good week!

8 years ago
Reply to  Margie McCurry

I think it was Tom Suddes or Tom Ahearn and I just echoed it.

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