The rope theory of life.

12 years ago

Everyone gets a rope. Some are shorter than others.  Some are thicker than others.  Some have notches.  And others are…

Seven neat planned giving marketing quotes

12 years ago

"Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree." -…

The number one thing to avoid saying when you call a planned giving prospect

12 years ago

So somebody was interested in learning more about how to update their will.  You know because they sent in a…

Stop whining and do something!

12 years ago

Warning:  This could sound like a political post.  I'm not sure if I'm on the right or the left politically. …

Could advertising to your Facebook fans be a stroke of planned giving marketing brilliance?

12 years ago

Think about this. Planned giving marketing begins with a good list, right? I've seen it time and time again.  When…

Update to our post about Facebook!

12 years ago

Yeah.  I know I said we didn't have a Facebook page because it didn't fit with our strategy. But guess…

What's wrong with the words on planned giving websites?

12 years ago

Now that I have your attention, I'm actually going to tell you that the problem with planned giving websites doesn't…

Follow-up to the post about being disliked…

12 years ago

If you don't know Seth Godin, you should. Here's a post that is much better than mine about being disliked.…

Get ready to be disliked!

12 years ago

If you create something new.  If you innovate.  If you are different.  Get ready to be disliked. You and your…

Postcards get one more breathe of life for direct mail marketing

12 years ago

Why not create some postcards in bulk to save money and keep your marketing schedule consistent and on-track all year…

Religious giving on the decline.

12 years ago

My new friend, Terri Preskar found this interesting tidbit and passed it on to me so I thought I'd share…

Direct mail still has a place in marketing

12 years ago

Although direct mail requires printing and postage, I have to say that... if it's done right... it’s still one of…

People who donate a lot must be on drugs!

12 years ago

And that's a good thing because the more you give, the more dopamine gets released into your system.  Dopamine is…

What's the response rate?

12 years ago

I hear that question a lot in lead generation marketing, planned giving marketing, sponsorship marketing and just about any other…

Kony 2012, fundraising and armchair activism.

12 years ago

What do you think about Kony 2012?  I think it's very slick.  But just imagine a video like this used…

The least expensive ways to build awareness for your planned giving program

12 years ago

The opportunities for building awareness for your planned giving program are all around you.  Put these words everywhere you possibly…

Behind the stats and metrics of email marketing for planned giving marketing

12 years ago

On a listserve recently there was a discussion about what you can expect from email marketing in planned giving marketing. …

How to spot the 4 types of givers for your fundraising efforts.

12 years ago

When you boil it all down, there are really just 4 types of givers you need to understand for your…

Is your email signature helping or hurting your marketing efforts?

12 years ago

Why wouldn't you create a great email signature? Don’t forget about your email signature (the space at the end of…

Get more bang for your direct mail buck

12 years ago

Add relevance and a personalized URL Yes, I'm talking about personalization.  Direct mail works best when it is relevant. So…

Have you used Slideshare yet?

13 years ago is less well known than Facebook or Twitter but it’s a neat free tool for promoting your PowerPoint presentations…

Using Facebook to market your business? Some basics to help you see if it's right for you.

13 years ago

Set up a business page In addition to your personal profile, you may want to set up a Facebook page…

Still not on Facebook? Here's the first in a series to get you going…

13 years ago

Get on Facebook is fast becoming the global water cooler around which the world gathers to discuss anything and…

Still looking for ways to utilize LinkedIn for business?

13 years ago

Research your prospects You can learn a great deal about a person on LinkedIn. For example, wouldn’t it be great…