Do people prefer when others pay for a nonprofits’ administrative costs?

9 years ago

I know, I know… Dan Pallota thinks charities need a defense council to inform the public that administrative costs are…

Are we sometimes asking donors the wrong questions?

9 years ago

In Abila's new donor engagement report, the first question they asked donors was, "What matters most to you?" Problem is...…

Stop swapping your donor lists with other nonprofits

9 years ago

One thing (among so many others) that I never understood about nonprofits is why they sell or swap lists with…

When Brand Guidelines Trump Donor-centricity You Have a Recipe For Disaster

9 years ago

"Make the font smaller!" That's what the brand police told me to do. I reminded them that the supporters we were targeting for…

Die! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die!

9 years ago

I just saw a video for a nonprofit's planned giving department that made me sick. Truly nauseated.  In it, the…

Softening Statements: 22 effective ways to ease into difficult conversations with supporters

9 years ago

Softening statements help you "get your toe in the water" with difficult conversations.  They smooth out the discussion. They help…

The Secret: Why People Really Make Major Gifts and Bequests

9 years ago

So you want to know the real reason why people make major gifts and bequests? Ok. But first, I must…

8 huge reasons why you should join our new LinkedIn fundraising group

9 years ago

        The new LinkedIn fundraising group is called Major and Planned Gift Marketers. It's growing fast. Here's why…

11 props you can use to raise more money at face-to-face meetings

9 years ago

Your annual report (only if it has good pictures, stories about impact, and financials that show responsible use of funds) A…

Everything you need is already in your database

9 years ago

In the late 1800's, a motivational speaker gave a speech over 6,000 times.  His name was Russell Conwell and his…

Believe in "The Fantastic Four" if you want to market planned gifts the right way

9 years ago

When it comes to marketing planned gifts, always remember that you want your supporters to think about how they can find…

3 powerful planned giving quotes from famous and not-so-famous people

9 years ago

“Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.” –…

MarketSmart was in the Washington Post last weekend

9 years ago

Last weekend's Sunday paper (business section) included a nice little story about MarketSmart and our recent growth spurt. LEAVE YOUR…

Why silence is golden

9 years ago

A couple of decades or so ago, I was fresh out of school selling advertising space for a local newspaper.…

9 questions to help you determine if your results are good

9 years ago

Sometimes we don't want to look at the results of our marketing efforts.  Facing them isn't easy. Especially if they…

Empathy vs. Perspective… Which One is Better?

9 years ago

Empathy helps you understand what a prospective donor is feeling.  Perspective helps you understand why they are feeling it. Which…

Why I Like This Ad

9 years ago

1. It's simple and direct 2. It does not include any legal jargon 3. It does not remind the reader about…

What Should the Title of your Legacy Giving Booklet Be?

9 years ago

A few months ago, William Rivas-Rivas (Director of Philanthropic Gifts at Animal Legal Defense Fund) posed the following question/challenge to…

Why do Nonprofits Give Their Staff Such Terrible Titles?

9 years ago

I have always felt that the word "fundraiser" stinks! As a donor, I feel like "fundraiser" screams "salesperson". When a…

Why You Should Add Fuel to the Fire

9 years ago

Impressive results. One of my clients told me yesterday that almost 1/3 of her organization's revenue historically comes from planned…

Bees, Fear, Negativity and You

9 years ago

Bees will sting a person whose mind is releasing vibrations of fear, much more readily than it will bother the…

Uncover Problems Before Your Supporters Leave You Forever

9 years ago

Ya don't know what ya don't know My firm once used a vendor to help us. He was a nice…

There's No Such Thing as "Email Readership"

9 years ago

There's a very well-known planned giving marketing vendor running around talking about "email readership." Here's what I mean. One of my…