Top 7 Fundraising In’s and Out’s for 2018

1. OUT: Making donors feel bad, twisting their arms, telling them to give ’til it hurts and shaming them
1. IN: Making donors feel good, treating them like people (not ATM’s), partnering and giving them the value they want

2. OUT: Listening to snake oil salespeople who have never had to raise money for a living (face it, they just want you to buy what they’re selling)
2. IN: Listening to smart people who have been in the trenches doing the marketing that gets results and changing the world for the better

3. OUT: Buying wealth screened data without a strategy or a plan to use it wisely
3. IN: Creating a smart qualification/prioritization strategy and plan for outreach before buying wealth screened data

4. OUT: Letting your wealth screened data go mostly unused because it overwhelmed you and your staff
4. IN: Using your wealth screened data to generate highly qualified leads and major gift dollars right away

5. OUT: Over-spending your donors’ dollars on fundraising efforts  that don’t work anymore
5. IN: Wisely investing your donors’ dollars on efforts that produce amazing results (sometimes 1,000:1 ROI)

6. OUT: Doing it the same way you’ve always done it
6. IN: Leveraging smart new technologies to do more with less

7. OUT: Focusing too much on acquisition and retention
7. IN: Focusing much more on qualification and prioritization
2018 In's and Out's for fundraising

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Eleanor Brtva
7 years ago

One of the best lists to share and resolve to do.

7 years ago
Reply to  Eleanor Brtva

Thanks Elly. See you next week!!