“We need new donors!”

I hear this so frequently from organizations that are not hitting their revenue goals.

Before running out to get new donors why not start with how you’re treating your current donors?

If you’re not regularly visiting with your benefactors and getting to know them and asking them for a specific amount, you don’t need new benefactors, you need a new strategy.

That letter you’re sending them isn’t going to help them make their largest gift.

You’re not going to find “those new rich people” out there and meet with them once and then revert to your comfortable letter writing strategy and find millions of dollars rolling in.

“Those rich people” are in your database, you probably just haven’t treated them very well and have no idea what type of capacity they actually have.


Kevin Fitzpatrick is the owner of One Visit Away, a consulting business helping leaders of nonprofits schedule more and better visits with their benefactors.  Kevin’s goal is to help fundraising professionals constantly seek to deepen their relationships with their benefactors.  After all, you’re just One Visit Away from growing your mission and your impact.  


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