8 ways to ask for a donation without actually asking

Many of us don’t feel comfortable asking.
This is because many of us have never had anyone teach us that we don’t always need to blurt out an ask. In fact, in many cases, there are more subtle ways to move the process forward.
Here are 8 ways to ask for a donation without actually asking. Just say:

  1. “What would you like me to do next?”
  2. “What do you want to happen next?”
  3. “So what do you think we should do next?”
  4. “How would you like to get started and how soon?”
  5. “What next steps do you recommend?”
  6. “If you were to go forward with this, what would you like the process to look like?”
  7. “Is there anything I’m leaving out? Any reason we shouldn’t get started right now?”
  8. “Just so I know where you are right now… On a scale of one to ten, how close are you to moving forward on this?”

Bonus. Here’s a slightly pushier way to go:
“Can I get some kind of non-financial commitment from you right now?”

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Paulette Gonzales Candelaria
Paulette Gonzales Candelaria
9 years ago

Greetings. Will subscribe for possible use in the future.

Jay Smith
Jay Smith
9 years ago

Of course the hardest thing for many of us is to ask the question and then SHUT UP. Wait for the propsect to answer.