Pop Quiz – Pick.Give.Click


Each year, Alaska shares revenue from its investments in mineral royalties with its residents. As residents apply for their money, they also get asked to donate to Alaska. So far this year they have raised over $3 million from over 33,000 Alaskans. In order to determine the core message for the campaign, the residents were split into two test groups. Both groups received a postcard with a different message.


Which message do you think generated more gifts?



A) Make Alaska Better

B) Warm Your Heart (Correct Answer)

More people responded to this message. Gift amounts were 55 percent higher in comparison to the message above!



Using more warm-glow messaging is a great idea to test! “Warm glow” messages are more powerful. If you want to raise more money, remind your supporters that they can feel good if they give. Click HERE if you would like to learn more about this fundraising tactic.