7 ways to make sure your print designs win hearts and minds (not design awards)

  1. Make the fonts at least 12 pt…. 14 point is even better for older eyes. Even though you might feel that it looks chunky, remember, the printed items are for the donors, not you.
  1. Use mostly serif fonts, not sans serif like this. Serif fonts are much easier to read on paper. Sans serif fonts are easier to read online or on a smartphone/tablet.
  1. Make sure there is space between lines in the copy.
  1. Avoid putting copy blocks with long sentences and paragraphs in reverse text or various colors. Treating them this way might work in your headlines (and maybe subheads… sometimes). But in large copy blocks, they’ll just drive readers to move past the content.
  1. White space is ok. Don’t try to fill up all the space in the brochure. Let the information breathe.
  1. Remember that we’re trying to communicate, not win design awards. No one will hang a brochure on their wall. They want to READ IT and be able to UNDERSTAND the information, not admire it.
  1. Don’t ever put photos or faded images and artwork behind copy. Doing so makes the copy almost impossible to read.


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