3 simple ways fundraisers can improve their LinkedIn profiles to land more meetings and raise more money

Most fundraiser’s LinkedIn profiles are screwed up!
They look like resumes, not invitations. After all, are you trying to raise money or are you looking for another job?

If you are aiming to raise money then you need to recognize that, more and more, your donors will check you out online before they accept your telephone call or email outreach. Then, if you land an appointment/meeting, they’ll check you out again.

So what does your LinkedIn profile look like?
Is it written and designed to help you generate more donations or to help you get a job? If it’s the latter, I’ve got a problem with that and so will your supporters.

Here are 3 ways to improve your LinkedIn profile so your donors feel good:

  1. Make sure it’s ‘public’. Don’t hide or your supporter will wonder why you won’t let them learn more about you.
  2. Take a good picture. Make sure you look happy. Smile! Your supporters won’t want to meet a grouch!
  3. Improve your headline. How about something like this?: “I help amazing people find meaning in their lives through support of ________.”


Related Posts:

>>How to Reach Out to your Major or Legacy Gift Prospects Using LinkedIn
>>5 Reasons Why You Should “Connect” with me on LinkedIn

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Lisa Wilson
Lisa Wilson
6 years ago

Thank you, Greg…helpful and current, as always!

6 years ago
Reply to  Lisa Wilson

My pleasure. Thanks for reading Lisa.

Claudia Zeldin
6 years ago

AGREE! I’m a nonprofit consultant and have several clients that are resisting LinkedIn. I’m going to share your article and cheat-sheet. Love it!

6 years ago
Reply to  Claudia Zeldin

Super! Share-away Claudia!!

Paul Deakins
Paul Deakins
5 years ago

Hi Greg…just stumbled across this as I was following links from your blog this morning. Do you have any profiles that are “done right” as an example. I understand what you’re suggesting, but I’m a visual learner…
Love your blog! Always finding great nuggets!

3 years ago

Great Greg, your modules are simple put impactful to create value to raise funds from donor

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