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The Fundraising Report Card is a little application I had my staff build a couple of years ago. Basically, if you sync your CRM with it in one easy step or if you upload an Excel or .CSV file to it, you’ll get tons of amazing metrics and charts for your next board presentation.
It really is a miraculous and beautiful tool that’s very easy to use. Clearly I’m very proud of what we built! If you haven’t seen what it does, check out this short video.
Here’s why:
If you think the app is cool, I hope you’ll spread the word with your friends. If they decide to upload their anonymous data (no donor names are needed), they’ll get to see/visualize all of these metrics below.
All you’ll need to do is pull three simple data points:
We have a paid white label version available for fundraising consultants AND, soon, we’ll be making nonprofit fundraiser requests for help open to consultants. In other words, consultants paying for the white label version will be able to view the requests for assistance so they can interact with the fundraisers (users) to help them get the most out of the app.
We’re hoping that will lead the users to want to sign contracts with those consultants— a win-win for everyone.
So if you’re a consultant interested in growing your business, you might want to check out the app right away. You can also reach out to us for more information on the program at info@imarketsmart.com.
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This is the MOST generous offering for nonprofits I’ve ever seen! How incredible that all the tools I need (not to mention…but I will)…the hours saved in research and preparing charts for board presentations.
I’ve died and gone to nonprofit heaven!
Awwww. Thanks Lisa. Enjoy! Happy to help.