8 posts that will help you develop a solid planned gift marketing strategy

8 posts that will help you develop a solid planned gift marketing strategy - thumbnail imageHere’s a sort of “Greatest Hits” list. Each post containing outstanding tips that will help you develop a solid planned gift marketing strategy.
Read these 8 blog posts and you should have all you need to decide where you want to go, and how you want to get there.
First, take a look at 7 planned gift marketing strategies for a thorough overview of the directions you can take.
Then learn how to measure results in this post and this one (an idea I got from Dr. Russell James).
After that, you might want to review my simplest explanation of what I have found to work really well, along with another here that reiterates the strategy but with a slightly different spin.
And, finally, check out three posts about ways to build awareness here, here, and here.

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