Tips for hiring major gift fundraisers

“Let’s hire Johnny… He knows everybody!”

Here’s the problem: Johnny is an idiot.

Let me explain.

So many times, organizations want to hire major gift fundraisers because of the people that the gift officer knows.

Or worse, the fundraiser presents themselves as valuable because of the connections they have.

These are the worst fundraisers in the industry.

They talk a bigger game than anyone you will ever meet and they will also perform worse than anyone you will ever meet.


Because they think they “own” the donors they’ve worked with.

Organizations then think they can buy those relationships by employing Johnny.


Hire people because they have integrity.

Hire people because they’re hard workers.

Hire people because they have discipline.

Hire people because they’re so passionate about your cause they will do whatever it takes to get in front of the donors ALREADY IN YOUR DATABASE.

If you’re getting ready to hire for a major gift position, please do not hire Johnny.
Kevin Fitzpatrick is the owner of One Visit Away, a consulting business helping leaders of nonprofits schedule more and better visits with their benefactors.  Kevin’s goal is to help fundraising professionals constantly seek to deepen their relationships with their benefactors.  After all, you’re just One Visit Away from growing your mission and your impact.  


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