Stop making assumptions about your donors

“Major donors like to give in their backyard.”

I call BS!

One thing I’ve noticed over the years is that many people think that major donors have some rule book that they all follow.

In other words, you get to a certain level of giving and all of those donors think the same way about things.

Some of the things I’ve heard over the years are that all major donors…

  • Want to see financials
  • Only give to physical projects
  • Need to be asked by a peer
  • Can’t be asked on a first visit
  • Only like to give to an organization for 3-5 years

The truth:


You saw it happen with one particular donor or that’s the way you think.

That doesn’t mean everyone thinks the same thing.

Major donors are PEOPLE.

If you haven’t noticed, people are incredibly different.

Saying something like major donors like to give in their backyard is just as silly as saying something like major donors like pineapple pizza.

Stop assuming things about the donor you’re working with because some “genius” told you a major donor secret.



Kevin Fitzpatrick is the owner of One Visit Away, a consulting business helping leaders of nonprofits schedule more and better visits with their benefactors.  Kevin’s goal is to help fundraising professionals constantly seek to deepen their relationships with their benefactors.  After all, you’re just One Visit Away from growing your mission and your impact.  


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