He’s back! And this time he’ll be talking about one of my favorite subjects — donor surveys.
Sure, I’ve got some experience in this area. MarketSmart has been conducting surveys on behalf of hundreds of nonprofits in 4 countries around the world. I even conducted a very well attended webinar on the subject a few months ago.
But I think people might be getting sick of me.
Who can blame them? People say I’m like a fresh, hot cup of coffee. I can be ‘salesy’. Sorry, I blame it on the fact that I grew up in New Jersey.
So why not get the skinny from Dr. James? Plus his take on donor surveys is a bit different from mine (although not all that much).
Don’t delay.
It happens this Wednesday. So you better sign up right now. It’s free so what have you got to lose? Just go here now.
Related Links:
>>Sign Up Now!
>>Dr. Russell James’ Charitable Gift Planning eCourse