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Are your fundraising efforts generating 10 to 1 ROI (return on investment)?

Learn how fundraisers like you are using fundraising automation
To close more major gifts of assets faster and at lower cost

Book a call with our team


  • Will be purely educational for you
  • Will not involve any high-pressure selling techniques
  • Will help you determine if there’s a fit and a reason to continue the discussion
  • ​Will help us evaluate if you qualify for MarketSmart’s 10:1 ROI guarantee

Judge us by the company we keep

Be the fundraiser you always wanted to be

Land more meetings with highly qualified major and legacy donor prospects when they are ready to give


"I closed a new $500,00 planned gift intention today from a donor who surfaced as a result of our work with MarketSmart. Hooray! Thank you for making it possible."

Brad Harris, Senior Director of Estate and Planned Giving

"People are reaching out to me, instead of the other way around! How refreshing is that!"

Cheryl Smoot, National Assistant Vice President, Individual & Planned Giving

"The results have been amazing."

Amy Goldman, Vice President of Planned Giving

Learn from national parks conservation association

They’re innovating to exceed demanding goals, please their donors, and increase loyalty.

It’s time for innovative, and results-oriented solutions.

Consultants, customers, and board members all find MarketSmart to be “game-changing.”

Learn about our 10 to 1 return on investment guarantee