6 of the biggest reasons why you don’t get enough major gifts from people with capacity

Here are six of the biggest reasons why you don’t get enough major gifts from people with capacity:

  1. Your capable donors, supporters, advocates, staff, and volunteers don’t have enough trust in you, your organization or your leadership.
  2. Your capable donors, supporters, advocates, staff, and volunteers don’t have enough confidence in you, your organization or your leadership to be able to accomplish their desired outcomes.
  3. Your capable donors, supporters, advocates, staff, and volunteers don’t see enough value of your mission, vision, and services.
  4. Your capable donors, supporters, advocates, staff, and volunteers don’t feel that your mission aligns with theirs enough.
  5. Your capable donors, supporters, advocates, staff, and volunteers don’t have enough belief that you, your organization or your leadership can satisfy their wants, needs, and desires.
  6. Your donors, supporters, advocates, staff, and volunteers simply don’t feel good enough when they engage with you, your organization or your leadership.


>> The Agitator: Stop Bashing ‘Donor-Centricity’
>> Joyaux Associates: MajorGiftsReady
>> The Secret: Why People Really Make Major Gifts and Bequests

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Wendy Dyer
8 years ago

Wow – harsh reality but likely spot on – thanks for taking a tough stand on an important topic.

8 years ago
Reply to  Wendy Dyer

Tough love I guess Wendy. Thanks for reading.