Would you give money to this person?

Screen Shot 2015-10-22 at 8.11.08 AMTrust is crucial, necessary and vital. 
I think all of us would agree that one of the most basic reasons why any major donor would give you and your organization money is because they trust you.
So why then do so many fundraisers avoid putting a picture of themselves on LinkedIn?
Don’t you think a major donor will look there to see who you are before they meet you?
Don’t you think they’ll want to know what you look like so they know whether or not to open the door when you visit?
Don’t you think it’s just plain fair to post your photo online?
Having no picture on LinkedIn tells your donors:

  1. I don’t care about you.
  2. I am hiding something from you.
  3. I probably should not be trusted.

If you don’t have a picture on LinkedIn, put one up now! Tweet This
If any of your staff have no picture on LinkedIn, tell them to put one up now!
If your leader has no picture on LinkedIn, politely tell him/her to put one up now!
P.S. – If you’ve been reading my blog for a while and feel comfortable connecting with me, I hope you will. Connecting with me allows you to get insider offers for great content, advice, ebooks and webinars in your LinkedIn stream— directly from me. Please go here and invite me to connect today. You’ll see that I DO have my photo on my profile.

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Kate Dunn
9 years ago

What if not posting a photo of yourself is just because you are lazy? Or inattentive to detail? I wouldn’t want to give my money to a fund raisers who are either of those two things either.

David Terrill
9 years ago

Another possibility is that the person is very clueless about LinkedIn or technology. In this case also, the lack of an attractive photo is a turn-off for an interested prospect.