Why you should add video to your website.

Moving pictures and words are unbelievably powerful when combined together. That’s why television was the most powerful medium for so long. Videos are easy to make these days. All you need to do is turn on your webcam or point your phone at yourself and talk for a minute or two. Let people know what you have to say. Plus the search engines love video so it helps your SEO ranking.”

Don’t like to be on camera? Upload a presentation of some PowerPoint slides to your website, blog or SlideShare (www.slideshare.com). It’s fast, easy and a very compelling way to get your message across. And if you upload presentations to SlideShare, you can still get some SEO benefits as long as you remember to add a link back to your main website.

Once you see how easy it is to make video, you’ll be ready to upload them to YouTube.com. This means you can create your own promotional videos and TV commercials that people can view on their laptops and smart phones.

Whether you want to demonstrate your product or service or talk about how you can help humanity, it’s free and very effective.

Plus, if your information is interesting and valuable, people might spread it around making it viral. Always remember to have the video link back to your main website to help your SEO.

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