8 huge reasons why you should join our new LinkedIn fundraising group

LinkedIn Fundraising Group-MarketSmart
The new LinkedIn fundraising group is called Major and Planned Gift Marketers.
It’s growing fast. Here’s why you should join:

  1. The conversations are informative
  2. Tons of really smart people will almost immediately help you with any question or dilemma you are facing
  3. The Group Manager (me) doesn’t allow spammers to junk-up the discussion board with promotions
  4. The discussions revolve around real-world, bare-knuckle, hand-to-hand marketing of major gifts and planned gifts
  5. There’s no other discussion group like it
  6. Compared to most LinkedIn discussion boards, this one has an exponentially higher ratio of comments/discussions. That means the conversations are engaging. Other groups have tons of discussions but very few comments.
  7. It feels good to help others. Nothing is more rewarding than helping others. You can feel good knowing you made a difference in someone’s career.
  8. You’ll get good karma. Someday, someone will return the favor by helping you.

Get Started!

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