Top 10 Capital Campaign Mistakes Revealed

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1. Failure to conduct a feasibility study

2. Failure to pay attention to the results of the feasibility study

3. Failure to build an appropriate campaign leadership team

4. Failure to obtain deep and broad stakeholder buy-in

5. Failure to invest the necessary budget for staff and resources needed to achieve the campaign goal

6. Failure to properly train staff and volunteers

7. Failure to provide clarity to your donors and prospects (i.e.- being vague about why the funds are needed)

8. Failure to announce the public phase at the right time (i.e.- prematurely announcing it)

9. Failure to keep the annual fund campaign going even while the capital campaign runs its course

10. And, worst of all… failure to use the money in the way you promised (i.e.- raising money for one project but using it for another)


NOTE: If you liked this list, you might be interested in this eReport titled: Are You Ready For A Capital Campaign?

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betty johnson
betty johnson
3 years ago

Failure to keep current and potential donors stewarded and engaged during the campaign and post campaign

Alyssa Grace
Alyssa Grace
3 years ago

Failure to be transparent about roles of cabinet members.
Failure to train cabinet, board and institutional leadership to participate in campaign.
Failure to align annual program with campaign priorities.
Failure to secure gifts from institutional leadership and all board members.

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