WARNING: The Gap is Widening and Your Competition is Winning…

HiResSome of you are not yet marketing planned gifts.
Some are marketing planned gifts but are not using digital channels such as websites, landing pages and email.
Some are using websites, landing pages and email but doing it very, very poorly.
WARNING: This is for fundraisers, board members and anyone else who cares deeply about their nonprofit’s mission.
The gap is widening. Some nonprofits are investing heavily in planned gift marketing right now. They are uncovering hidden legacy gifts every day. They are building relationships with the people whose legacy gifts they uncover because they know that, by doing so, those gifts will grow to become 4 times larger than legacy gifts that result from a donor’s decision near the end of their life. They are generating leads by the truckload. They are using smart marketing tactics and strategies to bring their staff and supporters together to discuss their shared missions. They are getting involved in their supporters’ legacy gift decision-making process.
They are convincing prospects to leave bigger gifts for their mission.
Those same prospects are reducing or eliminating the gifts they originally intended for your organization. Why? Because you ignored them.
The gap is widening.  What are you doing about it?

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